Recently I was asked to become a Role model of the Net4Tec network. It was with great pleasure that I published my profile last week.
Net4tec is The network for people in MINT INDUSTRIE (Mathematik, Informatik, Natur- und Technik) and DIGITAL INDUSTRIE.
Net4tec is the global & excellent career network for ambitious women in the MINT and digital business net4tec drives the 360 ° holistic approach through the cooperation of women, teams, and companies “pulling together” net4tec organizes “Diversity Matters” events, the opportunity to create a common understanding and take effective action net4tec promotes the recruiting of female talents and further development across different phases of life Net4tec relies on a collaborative platform, together with other networks, institutions, and partner companies.
Soon I will be hosting an online morning Coffee Session and speak about my topic. More info will follow soon, please stay hooked!